How is the seaport named? Naming rules

Seaports are not only places to receive goods and ships, but also an important part of geographical and cultural identification. Naming a seaport is not simply a matter of attaching a name but also carries profound meanings and great impacts on the community and tourists.

Principles for naming seaports

According to the provisions of Article 77 of the 2015 Vietnam Maritime Code (amended by Article 3 of the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law related to Planning in 2018), regulations on seaports, Offshore oil ports, harbors, wharves, floating terminals, water areas, and water areas should have names identified according to the following principles:

  • Seaports, offshore oil ports, harbors, wharves, floating terminals, water areas, and water areas will be named when planning and implementing construction investment projects, and announced when used. as proposed by the investor, relevant agency, or organization.
  • Names must not duplicate or cause confusion with the published names of seaports, offshore oil ports, ports, wharves, buoys, water areas, and water areas, nor must they be named not consistent with their function or name.
  • Do not use the names of state agencies, armed forces organizations, or socio-political organizations to name all or part of seaports, offshore oil ports, ports, wharves, buoys, water areas, water areas, unless otherwise agreed by the respective agency or organization.
  • It is forbidden to use words and symbols that violate traditional cultural values, history, ethics and customs of the nation to name.

According to Decree 58/2017/ND-CP, there are also the following regulations:

  • Seaports, offshore oil ports, harbors, wharves, floating terminals, water areas, and water areas must be named according to the principles prescribed by law.
  • Names of seaports, offshore oil ports, harbors, wharfs, floating terminals, water areas, and water areas need to be written in Vietnamese, can be accompanied by English names, and begin with phrases such as “Port port”, “Wharf”, “Float”, “Area”, “Region”, together with the project’s own name.
Based on Decree 58/2017/ND-CP, naming or changing the name of seaports is specifically regulated as follows in the 2015 Guide to the Vietnam Maritime Code on management of transportation activities:
  1. The process of naming seaports, offshore oil ports, harbors, wharves, floating terminals, water areas, and water areas is carried out when the competent authority announces the opening of seaports, offshore oil ports, and harbors. , wharves, buoys and water areas, water areas based on proposals from investors or relevant agencies and organizations.
  2. The authority to decide on renaming seaports and offshore oil and gas ports is specifically divided as follows:
    • The Ministry of Transport decided to change the name of seaports and offshore oil and gas ports;
    • The Vietnam Maritime Administration decides to change the names of ports, wharves, buoys and water areas.
  3. Procedures for renaming seaports, harbors, wharves, floating terminals and water areas, water areas, offshore oil and gas ports have been announced as follows:
    • The investor or operator sends directly or through other appropriate forms a written request to change the name of the seaport according to regulations to the Vietnam Maritime Administration;
    • Within 02 working days from the date of receiving complete documents as prescribed, the Vietnam Maritime Administration shall submit a document to the Ministry of Transport for consideration and decision on the request to change the name of the seaport or oil and gas port. offshore; Decide to change the name of the port, wharf, floating wharf, water area, and water area.
    • Within 02 working days from the date of receiving the document from the Vietnam Maritime Administration, the Ministry of Transport shall consider and issue a decision to change the name of the seaport or offshore oil and gas port. In case the Ministry of Transport does not approve, the Ministry of Transport will notify the Vietnam Maritime Administration to issue a written notice to the investor or seaport operator to rename accordingly.